Friday, April 30, 2010

More Kevin Malaprop

Kevin called me just a few minutes ago. We don't usually talk on Fridays, but he needed to check in. We were chatting about a swim program he wants to get more info about, and he's been very busy planning a transportation angle with one of his current bus services.

Kevin: You know. PRIDE is a very good bus company. I think they would be happy to drive me to swimming.
Laura: Well, do they do only private transportation, or can you arrange with them to take you somewhere every Saturday at 2:00, for example?
Kevin: No. No. They are not open on Saturdays. They only run during the week.
Laura: But have you asked your driver or anyone if they do regular runs like ACCESS does? Or just contracted runs through Regional Center?
Kevin: No I haven't asked anyone yet. But I'm developing a repertoire with -- oh, I forget her name, but it will come to me...

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